Howloween Code of Conduct

All attendees must adhere to these rules! The Howloween Event is a private function being held in a public hotel and all guests are expected to uphold a certain level of respect and courtesy in order to maintain their access to the event space. Event space access is a privilege, not a right. We ask that you do only things that others would find acceptable in any public setting. Use your common sense!

At the event holders discretion, guests may be denied entry to the event space with no chance of refund of event contributions for any failure to abide by the following requirements, as well as any additional requirements determined at the event holders discretion:

  1. There is NO dealers den and the exchanging of money or selling of -any- products is NOT allowed in event space.
  2. No illegal substances of any kind are permitted in the event space or hotel proximity.
  3. Costumes and clothing must be acceptable for public viewing and should not be overly revealing or suggestive in nature, at the event holders discretion.
  4. Be considerate! Inappropriate conduct towards hotel guests or staff will result in immediate expulsion and possible ban from future events.
  5. Any rude, obscene, discriminatory, or sexual behavior in the event space or public hotel areas will not be tolerated.
  6. No outside alcohol is permitted in the event space.
  7. Alcohol is only to be consumed by those guests 19 years of age or older. Purchase of alcohol for underage guests is not permitted and is grounds for immediate expulsion from the event with NO exceptions.
  8. All hotel conduct requirements must be followed by all guests, including any in conflict with the requirements listed here. Any actions taken by the hotel in response to a breach of hotel conduct will be supported by event staff and reflected by the event.
  9. Room parties are not permitted unless coordinated with the event holders and/or hotel staff.