Looking for Artists

Want to be a part of Howloween 2014? We love seeing what artists can come up with to fit our theme. Each piece we get (PG please!) will be posted here on the website at the very least. We may even use some of the art received for the t-shirt, promotional material or print outs at the convention!We encourage artists to create their own 'howloween' characters that fit the theme or include other characters (provided they have permission and aren't trademarked) in their images. We also encourage artists to include our lovely Chainsaw Bunny Mascot somewhere in the image, even if he's not front and center. Below are some characters free for use in your Howloween art adventures!

Art Rules and Guidelines

  1. Must be at least 8.5x11 inches and 300dpi
  2. Please send it to us as a Transparent PNG
  3. Any non digital media works as long as it is scan-able to send us a file.
  4. Please be aware that we may have to make colour/brightness tweaks for it to show up on fliers/badges/tshirt. We will not alter it otherwise.
  5. You can use the mascots below or create your own.
  6. Please sign/date your work before emailing it to us. We want to credit you!
  7. Please include a website/gallery link in the email (not the image) so that we can link back to you.

Submitting Artwork?

Please email your images to [email protected] and we will make sure that at the very least, it gets put up on the website for all to see! We cannot guarantee that your work will become a flier, badge or be put on t-shirts but we want to showcase every artist who volunteers their time so we will do out best to find a place for everyone.

Mascot: Chainsaw Bunny

Chainsaw bunny is never seen without his chainsaw. Weather he's fighting off zombies, the Kraken, mummies, etc; his trusty chainsaw is his prop of choice!

Howloween Feaulie

The Feaulie are a -closed- Species created by Temrin. "Howloween Feaulie" must only be used in conjunction with Howloween Promotional Material/Art.

With the ability to talk to the deceased and summon spirits to her aid, this paranormal creature is always up for an adventure!