In all spaces where social distancing is not possible, and people are unable to leave such as Dealer’s Den and Registration, masks are mandatory. The people assisting, volunteering, and working in these areas are not able to leave if there are unmasked individuals. Please respect that many people have invisible needs and getting COVID-19, cold, or flu can be devastating to people that are immunocompromised or have pre-existing illnesses. All other spaces it is highly encouraged that you wear a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19, cold, and flu. Masks will be available at the door of these areas.

It is highly encouraged for your safety and the safety of others that you are fully vaccinated as per BC CDC. We are not checking for vaccines at registration. The annual flu shot is an excellent addition in preventing serious illness from being passed on to others that may have immunocompromised or living with a per-existing illness.

You may find hand sanitizer around the con in high touch areas like registration and in panel rooms. Handwashing is a great tool in fighting off infections. Please practice good hand hygiene by hand washing and sanitizing frequently throughout the day.

If you are feeling unwell, please stay home. It does not matter if it is the cold, flu, or COVID-19. Please do not be Patient-0 for concrud. We will miss you and it is horrible to miss out on a convention. Remember you will be getting your fellow congoers ill. Some live with immunocompromisation or pre-existing illness and have a higher chance of having adverse effects from respiratory illnesses.

Art by zenamidesign
Art by zenamidesign