Howloween in Review

It was a really great Howl and we would like to send our thanks to everyone who participated! Volunteers, thank you very much for your time and effort this year, attendees, we hope you had a great time, DJs, you guys rocked! We really appreciate all the help this year and we hope to have next year's info up much sooner! (Also possibly some special howl art opportunities as well!) So stay tuned!

We will be expanding Howl's presence on the internet soon and there will be a list of where you can find us once its finalized.

Thank you for making Howl amazing!

Howloween: Nov 10th!

Howloween will be hosted on November 10th. Schedules will be coming soon! You can find basic times on the schedule page but they are bound to change.

Bowling event at Revs on the 11th! Info HERE
Starts at 1pm!

Volunteer? Suggestions?

Do you have suggestions for the convention? Please check out the contact page and send them in! We are always looking for people to run events and help setup and take down! More information on the contact page.

Looking to suggest things for the website for the years to come? Feel free to send them to the developer. (That is, if i'm doing this again next year XD)